Tag Archive for twitter

Privacy, Twitter and the Law (2)

Lord Soley

Further to my post below, there was a statement in the Lords yesterday (or an urgent PQ repeated from the Commons to be precise). http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201011/ldhansrd/text/110523-0002.htm#11052325000213 A joint committee made up of six members of the Commons and six from the Lords is to look into the state of the law following the recent publicity. A number of…

Privacy,Twitter and the Law

Lord Soley

I think I am going to do some hard thinking about the growing problems relating to privacy. In the past I have resisted a law on privacy because of the way it limits investigative journalism but that is less likely now that we have the counter balance of freedom of speech enshrined in the European Convention. The…

Electronic Lords versus Clockwork Lords

Lord Soley

 A lively and entertaining mini debate took place today on the Administration and Works Committee Report dealing with the use of electronic devices in the House. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201011/ldselect/ldaccwks/92/9202.htm  We have agreed to allow limited use in the Chamber of certain hand held electronic devices but we are not to be allowed to use a search engine to…

Guest blog: People and Parliament

Guest Contributor

When does a Blogger, talking about himself, turn into an Inquisitor asking lots of questions?  That is what I want to become. The Lords Information Committee, of which I am the proud chairman, is starting an inquiry this week in which we want to find out your thoughts about Parliament in general and the House…