This is the latest update from FRRME (Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East) in Baghdad, with whom I have been associated for around ten years: Meet the team at St George’s Clinic, Baghdad
Tag Archive for Iraq
War Crimes in Iraq
by Lord Hylton • • 8 Comments
Antony Loyd is a veteran war correspondent, who has reported from Bosnia, Chechnya and Iraq. Following the expulsion of ISIS/Daesh from the city of Mosul in Iraq, he has described the killing of some prisoners by Iraqi forces and the beating and brutalizing of others. Please see his 3-column article in The Times for Saturday…
Syria and Iraq : Tale of Two Cities
by Lord Hylton • • 11 Comments
This is the text of a letter I sent to the Financial Times on 7/10.16 – not published: The Western media have reported at length on conditions in Aleppo, usually from the rebel anti-government side. Writing from Lebanon and Turkey, they have reflected the views of Al Arabya and Al-Jazeera. They have also described military…
The Considered Opinion of Sunni Islam
by Lord Hylton • • 4 Comments
It should be more widely known that 126 Muslim leaders and scholars, on September 9th, sent an Open Letter to Dr Ibrahim Awwad Al-Badri, known as Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the declared Caliph of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL). The authors came from every country in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as Nigeria…
Parliament recalled today
by Baroness Murphy • • 1 Comment
Parliament recalled today, to discuss the proposed bombing of Isil in Iraq; I am following the debate with interest. I am always uneasy when all political parties agree and I am uncertain about the wisdom of joining what may turn out to be a half-hearted attempt to rid the world of a murderous organisation. If…