Tag Archive for David Cameron

Home Rule INSIDE the UK: a fight worth winning

Lord McConnell

Last Tuesday was the 15th Anniversary of that amazing day when the first democratic Scottish Parliament was officially opened in 1999. It was a day I’ll never forget, so it seemed like the perfect moment to set out my views on the independence referendum that takes place here in September. I was joined by former…

Brussels sprouts an idea

Baroness Murphy

Like many British, I am deeply ambivalent about the long term ‘European Project.’ My difficulty is that I see the value, indeed the imperative, of Britain being part of a United Europe in perhaps 30, 40, 50 years. I believe a politically united Europe is the only way our distinct culture will survive and thrive…

Britain and the EU

Lord Soley

Whether as a result of political inexperience or fear of his own backbenchers David Cameron has marginalised the UK in Europe and that won’t be easily reversed. It poses a challenge to all British political parties and their leaders. The 26 EU members will create a much closer political and economic union and they can…

Fake letters from Number 10

Baroness Murphy

I was astonished to discover that correspondence from 10 Downing Street officials has been signed with fake names.  David Cameron has now said the practice will stop but how extraordinary to do it in the first place. The use of false names on letters from No 10 began in 2005 in response “to a security…

Cameron’s right on the NHS

Baroness Murphy

I listened with some trepidation to the Prime Minister’s speech this morning, which you can read here  at http://www.politics.co.uk/features/health/david-cameron-nhs-speech-in-full-$21388842.htm. Was he going to subtly shift from the crucial parts of the Health Bill that are likely to make the difference in the long term to the cost effectiveness, responsiveness and sustainability of the public service…