Tag Archive for Legislation

I’m a nutter according to Prince Charles

Lord Berkeley

I’m a nutter, according to Prince Charles!  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-charles/11387237/Prince-Charles-called-Labour-peer-a-nutter-for-trying-to-reform-Duchy-of-Cornwall.html xd150208 Nutter I have a private member’s bill waiting second reading in the lords, which is designed to make the necessary changes to legislation so that the Duchy of Cornwall is classed as a private entity, alongside many other private estates. The Duchy, in its Consultation Document…

Sitting more to scrutinise and debate

Lord Norton

I have done a post on my own blog on the problem of politicians who regularly lament the fact that there is too much legislation, but then complain when the Government does not have that many Bills to bring before Parliament. The fact that there is not much legislation is the reason for Parliament being prorogued a…

MPs workloads

Baroness Quin

Several articles and comments have appeared recently about how much time MPs are spending away from Westminster and the importance of ensuring a full Parliamentary timetable to deal properly with government legislation.  It has also been claimed that the current government, because of disagreements within the coalition, is finding it difficult to agree new legislation…

Accessing Bills

Lord Norton

In a previous post, I was asked if I could provide a link to a particular Bill, in this case the Justice and Security Bill.  Anyone wishing to access a Bill being considered by Parliament can do so by visiting the Parliament website and clicking on the link ‘Bills and legislation’.   You can then click on…