Tag Archive for Banking

A Good Win for Sir Fred!

Lord Taylor of Warwick

A pantomime is being staged in Parliament – Christmas has come early for Sir Fred Goodwin. Cast List: Sir Fred ‘The Shred’ Goodwin (former Royal Bank of Scotland Chief Executive) –Abanazar, who snatches the Treasury lamp. Lord Myners (Financial Services Secretary and Government Spokesperson) – Baron Hardup. Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown (Prime Minister) and Rt.…

Banking and Finance crisis

Lord Soley

This is a quite extraordinary crisis with no end in sight yet. Both Houses of Parliament have had Ministerial statements made recently. The following one was made in the Lords yesterday and I made a contribution on the intergovernmental aspect of the crisis. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200708/ldhansrd/text/81008-0004.htm It is a rash person who draws too many conclusions just…