Tag Archive for Academies Bill

An independent House

Lord Norton

Speaking in the debate on working practices last night, Lord Lucas made a point that he had already covered in one of his posts on this blog.  That is, the problem arising from having  a coalition with enough votes in the Lords to command a clear majority.  After 1999, no one party enjoyed a majority…

Working late

Lord Norton

It is just coming up to 11.00 p.m. on Wednesday.  The House is still on Report stage of the Academies Bill.  We have just had  a vote on one of the amendments.  It is always possible that there may be more before Report stage is completed later this evening.  Then again, given that the Opposition…

Improving legislation

Lord Lucas

The principal justification for the House of Lords’ existence is the careful and experienced scrutiny of legislation. Making lots of small improvements – not the sculptors of legislation, but the ones who do the polishing. The one that I am proudest of is helping add “an apology, an offer of treatment or other redress, shall…

Wot? No legislation

Lord Norton

Today is the first day of the committee stage of the Academies Bill.  The only other Government Bill starting in the Lords is the Local Government Bill.  As a result, time is being utilised to debate select committee reports and motions by back-benchers.  Some members look forward to more legislation coming forward in order to ensure it is effectively…